


Dedicated to the proposition that the topical poem is not inferior to the personal lyric and that poems about today's struggles are not necessarily lacking in “eternal themes.” At a Wheeler Hill reading, Susan Deer Cloud alluded to a poet who apologized before reading a “political poem.” Expect no such apologies here. Neither expect a clear demarcation between the personal and the political, except in those poems, like Rick's Café or Coalition of the Willing, where a distinct p.o.v. is assumed.

Dedicated to poets like Janine Pommy Vega, John Sinclair, and Ed Sanders who've kept the issues, and the music, alive. And to Woody Guthrie, who was always ready to confront “the new situ-ation.”

84 page hand-stitched paper book with spine.

Signed author copy

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Dedicated to the proposition that the topical poem is not inferior to the personal lyric and that poems about today's struggles are not necessarily lacking in “eternal themes.” At a Wheeler Hill reading, Susan Deer Cloud alluded to a poet who apologized before reading a “political poem.” Expect no such apologies here. Neither expect a clear demarcation between the personal and the political, except in those poems, like Rick's Café or Coalition of the Willing, where a distinct p.o.v. is assumed.

Dedicated to poets like Janine Pommy Vega, John Sinclair, and Ed Sanders who've kept the issues, and the music, alive. And to Woody Guthrie, who was always ready to confront “the new situ-ation.”

84 page hand-stitched paper book with spine.

Signed author copy


Dedicated to the proposition that the topical poem is not inferior to the personal lyric and that poems about today's struggles are not necessarily lacking in “eternal themes.” At a Wheeler Hill reading, Susan Deer Cloud alluded to a poet who apologized before reading a “political poem.” Expect no such apologies here. Neither expect a clear demarcation between the personal and the political, except in those poems, like Rick's Café or Coalition of the Willing, where a distinct p.o.v. is assumed.

Dedicated to poets like Janine Pommy Vega, John Sinclair, and Ed Sanders who've kept the issues, and the music, alive. And to Woody Guthrie, who was always ready to confront “the new situ-ation.”

84 page hand-stitched paper book with spine.

Signed author copy

You won't need a secret decoder ring to open up these poems by John Roche-they're right there in your face, full of the energy & direct imagery of daily life and composed with careful grace for the way they sound in your ear. Not to simplify things too much, but this is the kind of poetry I like!

--John Sinclair


December 14, 2007

This is a good, solid book, musical and full of unexpected turns, defining the topics of the day just before they turn the dark corner into history. And, even more important, Roche refuses to draw a line between the personal and the topical. After all, our lives are on that table where the dice of politics are being thrown. In an age when so much poetry is predictable and solipsistic, Topicalities is a gift.

--Steven Huff

I can't think of any other way to phrase this: John Roche's Topicalities is a manifesto for our grim times, a “must-read” to help us survive the Bush Years and their aftermath. Yet the political sensibility of his poems is anything but grim. These poems raise awareness of the costs of the war in Iraq, for example, but his touch is deft. It moves, it rattles, it shakes and breathes passion, compassion… This poetry is honest without being brutal; hope rises from these pages. Thus, he makes us see both a “child's broken body” on the road to Damascus and the hosta lilies of spring in Western New York.

-- Karla Linn Merrifield

From the book:


It's 1955

I'm being rocked in my cradle

My father's on the road

driving the byways of Connecticut

for the American Tobacco Company

Four decades later he'll succumb to emphysema

in what lungs remain from the cancer surgery

But, right now, he's tanned and young

energetically setting up the Camels display

flour-pasting Lucky Strike decals on the windows

of package stores and general stores and grocery stores

in Goshen Hebron Pomfret Scotland Norfolk Cornwall Coventry Norwalk New Canaan, New Milford, Norwichtown Deep River

This morning he's sitting at a lunch counter

in some pharmacy in some hamlet too small for a Woolworth's

My Dad's got a cup of coffee a donut a cigarette

(a triad that was a constant in his life-

matched only by Mom and morning Communion)

I would create a world where such pleasures are non-lethal

Picture him outside

on a sunny June day

leaning against a wooden post

examining his work with a satisfied eye

and enjoying one more Lucky

while morning stretches out and around the elm-draped bend

in the road that goes on the road that goes on the road that goes on forever

Virtual Wendell Berry

Rushed out of work and onto the freeway

burning fossil fuels

to get to reading by the famous farmer poet

hear why we need to slow down to mule-speed

and learn to jettison consumerist dissatisfactions

become human beings in human-scaled communities

once again

But first I'm shunted into snaking line around reflecting pool

at the art museum

then herded along with a hundred or more ethical sheep

into the overflow pen (wainscoted and elegant)

to watch our contemporary Thoreau

over live videostream

get an award for truth-telling

Right after two words from our sponsors:

a local state university branch

and a globalizing bank

Baghdad Boogaloo

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

You break it, you bought it

You break it, you bought it

You break it, you bought it

You break it, you bought it

Jus' a little glue will do

Jus' a little glue will do

Jus' a little glue will do you

Jus' a little glue will do

Superglue that Sumerian figurine

Superglue that pipeline

Superglue that armor plating to the Humvees

Superglue that power plant

Superglue the Coalition of the Willing

Superglue the Shias to the Sunnis to the Kurds

Superglue their government

You think you're quite the handyman, don't you?

Down on the ranch jus' choppin' wood

Choppin' wood all day

Choppin' wood down on the ranch

Jus' choppin'

All day

Jus' choppin'

You can't fix it and you can't leave it

You can't fix it and you can't leave it

You can't fix it and you can't leave it

You can't fix it and you can't leave it

You can't you can't you can't you can't

Your cant your cant your cant your cant

Jus' more Baghdad Boogaloo

A whole lot more Boogaloo

Jus' more and more Baghdad Boogaloo

Next time it's Tehran Tooraloo

Tubbables by John Roche
Road Ghosts by John Roche
An Inaugural Advent Wreath of Cinquains by John Roche free download
Mo' Joe: The Anthology
On Conesus