At Jules’ Poetry Playhouse, we offer classes, readings, and retreats that immerse you in poetry and play. Our free poetry reading series features a poet reading from their work, followed by conversation for an in-depth experience of the writer’s life. The second half of the featured poetry event is followed by an open mic. These are generally held on the last Tuesday of the month. Featured readers are recorded and archived on our Youtube channel. We also feature occasional Back Porch readings with local or visiting poets, book launches, pop-up book and art sales, and in-person and online poetry classes.
Visit our event calendar often to keep up with events; or better yet, sign up for our newsletter below to stay updated. We’ll see you there!
Enjoy our 2024 Poetry Playhouse recap reel! Featuring excerpts from classes, Back Porch readings, travels and events!

Poetry in Dangerous Times: from Witness to Resistance. A writing retreat with Demetria Martinez: March 14 & 15, 2025
Poetry in Dangerous Times: from Witness to Resistance. A writing retreat with Demetria Martinez: March 14 & 15, 2025

Roundtable discussion: Five-year anniversary celebration of Zoom poetry open mics, plus open mic
Roundtable discussion: Five-year anniversary celebration of Zoom poetry open mics, plus open micRoundtable discussion: Five-year anniversary celebration of Zoom poetry open mics, plus open mic

Gleeful Ghazals Class with Donald Levering: April 26, 10 am - 3 pm
Gleeful Ghazals class with Donald Levering
April 26, 10 am - 3 pm
in-person at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse
more info: https://www.poetryplayhouse.com/classes/p/gleeful-ghazals-with-donald-levering-april-26-10-3

Claudia Stanek and friends: Beneath Occluded Shine plus open mic on Zoom
Join poet Claudia Stanek and friends for the release of her new book, Beneath Occluded Shine
with Denton Loving and Catherine Farout, Bennington MFA Writing Seminars alumni.
Hosted by Jules Nyquist and John Roche
followed by open mic
Note this is WED April 30th (different from our usual time)
Jules Nyquist and Claudia Stanek are Bennington Writing Seminars alumni class of 2007. Denton Loving and Catherine Faurot are also a Bennington Writing Seminars alum.
It’s a pleasure to welcome Claudia to our featured reading series, along with our Bennington family! Jules created the collage cover for Claudia’s book.
Fifty years after Pablo Neruda completed his Book of Questions, Claudia Stanek bravely reaches back through time—long before Neruda, into the deepest parts of our shared humanity—in search of answers. Threaded with the spiritual, the historical, and the natural, Stanek weaves together these 16 short but powerful poems in Beneath Occluded Shine that embrace the surreal, push up against the paradoxical, and remind readers that sometimes a question can only be answered with another question.
–Denton Loving, author of Tamp
Claudia Stanek‘s Beneath Occluded Shine is filled with questions of life and death–what’s here, what’s gone. Nature with its clouds, land and sea mingle with the invisible as well as language. At the same time, a ribbon of the divine, like a reverent of seasons, winds itself through her lines, as she deals with what must be kept for the living. Her use of rhyme blends into the sounds of what comes before and what comes afterwards in this topography of disappearances and returns.
Fireplaces, foundries, forest, foliage, full…”a standard of tender remains.”
–Gail Hosking, author of the memoir Snake’s Daughter and poetry books, The Tug and Retrieval.
Claudia Stanek‘s poems answer Neruda’s Book of Questions with her own expansive and cantatory meditations. This book is a harmonic and lyric duet, each poem a distillation of the poet wrestling with life.
–Catherine Faurot, author of Theology of the Broken.
Claudia M. Stanek‘s work has been turned into a libretto, been part of an art exhibition, and been translated into Polish. Her poems exist online, in print, and in her chapbook, Language You Refuse to Learn. She holds an MFA from Bennington College.

Santa Fe Literary Festival weekend
Jules and John will be attending the Santa Fe Iternational Literary Festival

A poet’s PhD journey: Living in the world with a practice of poetry with Dr. Jules Nyquist @ HERE Gallery Santa Fe
Join us for a special talk and celebration with Dr. Jules Nyquist!
There will be pie! Free.
A poet’s PhD journey: Living in the world with a practice of poetry
Join Dr. Jules Nyquist for a lecture and poetry reading about her doctoral research on poetic inquiry, and the transformative power of poetry and play as a way of living in the world.
Date: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Location: HERE Gallery, 1704C Llano Street, St. Michael's Village West, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Admission: Free (Pie included!)
Santa Fe, NM –HERE Gallery Santa Fe announces a unique event celebrating the transformative journey of Dr. Jules Nyquist as she shares insights from her doctoral research. This free event will include a lecture by Dr. Nyquist, including poetry, a Q&A session, and a celebration with pie!
During her talk, Dr. Nyquist will explore these themes and ask the important question: How can we live in the world with poetry as a core identity?
A first-generation college student in her 60s, Jules Nyquist, Ph.D., will also share her personal journey balancing full-time work, school, poetry activities, and family life. She reflects on her transformational experience as an online doctoral student during the pandemic. Dr. Nyquist’s dissertation is dedicated to her poetry instructor participants and to all poets who seek to keep the practice of poetry as a form of inquiry and a way of living in the world. Dr. Nyquist is the founder of Jules’ Poetry Playhouse, a place for poetry classes, readings, and the philosophy of play within adult learning.
Special guest poet Tina Carlson will introduce Dr. Nyquist, setting the stage for an engaging and meaningful afternoon. The event is free, and pie will be served to celebrate Dr. Nyquist’s Ph.D. journey. All are welcome to attend, and no RSVP is necessary.
About HERE Gallery 562-243-6148.
HERE Gallery is a creative space dedicated to fostering community and artistic expression in Santa Fe, NM. Through a wide range of events, exhibitions, and talks, the gallery serves as a hub for artistic exploration and dialogue.
HERE GALLERY 562-243-6148
1704c Llano St. Santa Fe, NM 87505
Dr. Jules Nyquist researched the experiences of adult poetry instructors as they used poetic inquiry for stress management in their classroom settings. Four themes emerged from her study in this ambiguous, circular, and collaborative process.
1. Lens of Perception
2. Breath and Value of Voice
3. Community and Culture
4. Diligent Practice of Identity
How can we live in the world with poetry as a core identity?
As a first-generation college student in her 60s, she will share her transformational journey of balancing full-time work, school, poetry activities, and family life. Her backyard labyrinth in Placitas, NM, provided a focus for the many walks over four years during the pandemic when she was a doctoral student online. This talk and her dissertation are dedicated to her poet instructor participants and to all poets who want to keep the practice of poetry as inquiry, or a way of living in the world.

Poets Speak Revisited! Plus open mic on Zoom
Featured is our revisit of the Poets Speak Anthology published by Poetry Playhouse Publications starting in 2017….. apt for a revisit in these turbulent times. John Roche and Jules Nyquist will share the story of the original Poets Speak Anthologies and the book launches and charitable gifts that followed.
The February 25 edition of the Poetry Playhouse Zoom is dedicated to the 8-year anniversary of the “Poets Speak (while we still can)” anthology series, which John and Jules conceived of shortly before the 2017 Inauguration of the Orange Menace. Five volumes were published. Trumped and Hers in the spring of 2017, Water in the summer of 2017, Walls and Survival in 2018.
During the first hour, we will discuss the history of the series and the necessity of resistance poetry today. We will also hear a few poems by contributors Demetria Martinez, Denise Weaver Ross, Larry Goodell, Bart White, Bill Nevins, and John Macker.
6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern
Jules and John at Peter’s Projects of the Gerald Peters Contemporary gallery in Santa Fe, 2018.

Freeing your Free Verse from Flabbiness Workshop with John Roche
Free Verse Workshop with John Roche
In-person at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse, Placitas, NM.
How do we keep our Free Verse from getting flabby?
What tips have other writers proposed?

Rendering the Sublime: One Day Workshop with Lise Goett and Mark Wunderlich
Rendering the Sublime: One Day Workshop with Lise Goett and Mark Wunderlich
Visiting poets Lise Goett (Taos) and Mark Wunderlich (New York) collaborate for this one-day poetry workshop.
See class link for more info and to register:

In conversation via Zoom: a reading with Lise Goett & Mark Wunderlich followed by open mic
Zoom conversation and reading with Lise Goett and Mark Wunderlich followed by open mic
Hosted by Jules Nyquist and John Roche
Lise Goett (Taos) and Mark Wunderlich (New York) join us live in conversation to talk about and read from their new books and all things poetry. Lise reads from her new book, The Radiant.
Lise Goett’s work has garnered numerous prizes, including the 2012 winner of the Robert H. Winner Memorial Award in Poetry from the Poetry Society of America, The Paris Review Discovery Award, the Pen Southwest Book Award in Poetry, and the Barnard New Women Poets Prize for her first collection, Waiting for the Paraclete (Beacon Press, 2002) and more recently, The Palette Journal Spotlight Prize and a grant from New Mexico Writers for The Radiant. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including the Paris Review, Ploughshares, Image, Mandorla, Lana Turner Journal and the Antioch Review. She holds a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Iowa, an M.A. in English Literature and Creative Writing from N.Y.U., and an M.F.A. from the Writing Division of Columbia University.
Mark Wunderlich is the author of four books of poems, the most recent of which is God of Nothingness, published by Graywolf Press. His other books include The Earth Avails, which received the Rilke Prize, Voluntary Servitude, and The Anchorage, which received the Lambda Literary Award. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, Civitella Ranieri Foundation, the NEA, the Amy Lowell Trust, and the Wallace Stegner Fellowship Program at Stanford University. He has published poems in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, The Nation, The New Republic, and elsewhere, and his work has been widely anthologized. He is Executive Director of the Bennington Writing Seminars graduate writing program in Vermont and lives in New York’s Hudson Valley. Author photo credit Beowulf Sheehan.

The Art of Assembling the Poetry Manuscript: Listening to the Poetic Landscape with Jules Nyquist and John Roche
CLASS: The Art of Assembling the Poetry Manuscript: Listening to the Poetic Landscape with Jules Nyquist and John Roche
in person at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse

Featured readers Glissando Anthology plus open mic
Featuring conversation with the editors, and poetry readings from contributors during the first hour
Second hour is open mic
Online via Zoom
6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0uceCqpzgpEt2in17g3WUR4nH7hv0FDA-P#/registration

Central Avenue Then & Now: A Community Poetry Experience plus open mic
Central Avenue Then & Now: A Community Poetry Experience
featured readers from the anthology with editors Dale Harris and Merimee Moffitt
followed by open mic

John Roche speaking on punctuation: ABQ Chapter NMSPS Meeting
John Roche is the featured speaker for the ABQ Chapter meeting. Speaking on punctuation with writing exercises.

New Mexico Poetry Anthology reading
Levi Romero and Michelle Otero featured poets
on Zoom
followed by open mic

Poetry Playhouse reading series
Join us for our fall Zoom kick-off reading series featuring NM poets
Sarah Kotchian, Katherine Seluja, and Hilda Raz
followed by open mic

Poetry & Music International Day of Peace Fundraiser for Center for Peace and Justice
Poets Demetria Martinez, Mary Oishi, Anna Martinez, Jules Nyquist, Amanda Ranth, James Janko, and Charles Powell.
Music: Heartlink - and The Raging Grannies.
On the night of the FREE admission event, raffle tickets will be sold for $2 each or 15 tickets for $20. All proceeds will benefit the Center for Peace and Justice, Albuquerque.

Sestina Playbook Saturday with Jules Nyquist & Sandy Yannone
Join sestina troubadours Jules Nyquist and Sandy Yannone for a special dual-taught day workshop on the sestina! Sandy is on her Glass Studio book tour and is our special guest for a once-in-a-lifetime, in-person sestina workshop. Let’s have fun and play with the magic of the sestina. We will read sestinas, use some writing exercises out of the Sestina Playbook and create at least one new sestina of your own. Walk the labyrinth in the backyard of Jules’ Poetry Playhouse for inspiration.
Saturday, June 29th
11 am - 3 pm
at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse
11 Homestead Lane, Placitas, NM

Back Porch reading with Sandy Yannone, Mary Oishi & Hilda Raz
Back Porch Reading
with Sandy Yannone, Mary Oishi & Hilda Raz
$10.00 ticketed event - limit 12.
in person at Jules Poetry Playhouse

Jules & John read with Bruce Holsapple at kind of a small array gallery in Magdalena, NM
Join us in Magdalena, NM at the kind of a small array gallery
Jules Nyquist, John Roche, Bruce Holsapple
2 pm - free - books for sale
Jules Nyquist reads from Atomic Paradise and new poems
John Roche reads from Tubbables
Bruce Holsapple reads his latest
Also Jules’ birthday!
Thanks to Hills Snyder, our wonderful host and gallery owner
kind of a small array
106 N Main, Magdalena, New Mexico
A project of artist Hills Snyder, kind of a small array is a humble space for art, poetry, and music. Set up like a lounge in an artist's studio, the space invites interaction. During evening events the lounge moves out onto the sidewalk for lingering and conversation.

Poets Picnic at Open Space Visitor Center Albuquerque
Jules’ Poetry Playhouse will have a book table at this event! Thanks to the NM State Poetry Society. All welcome.
This unique outdoor event celebrates art, poetry, and nature with live poetry and music performances, and is free and open to the public.
Morning activities include a Haiku Workshop taught by Miriam Sagan, to sign-up call (505)768-4950; Escribiente Society calligraphy demonstrations and Weathergrams created to order; plus, Poets Picnic Chapbooks and poetry book sales.
There is an all-afternoon poetry reading sponsored by the New Mexico State Poetry Society with featured poets Michelle Holland, Donald Levering, Diane Thiel, and Mark Weber. Music feature is the J.D. Smooth Duo.
Participants may bring a picnic lunch or purchase food truck fare and refreshments. Visitors are invited to walk the grounds while viewing original poems on Weathergrams, brown paper tags tied to trees and bushes. The short poems known as haiku are by New Mexico poets, beautifully rendered by Escribiente Society calligraphers. Chapbooks of these poems, hand-sewn by LIBROS New Mexico Book Arts Guild members, are available for sale to benefit the Open Space Alliance, a volunteer organization that supports Open Space activities. Local small presses offer poetry books for sale as part of the festivities.

Mercury Heartlink press authors featured plus open mic
Join publisher Pamela Warren Williams with Mercury Heartlink Press poetry authors
followed by open mic
6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern
Hosted by John Roche and Jules Nyquist
Event will be recorded

Back Porch reading with Lawrence Millman
SAVE THE DATE! Lawrence Millman featured at Back Porch Reading Series - 2 pm

Tubbables Book Launch with John Roche
Tubbables book launch with John Roche
free! Author reading - refreshments - books for sale !
Hosted by Jules Nyquist

Casa Urraca Press featured readers plus open mic reading series
Jules’ Poetry Playhouse reading series features Abiquiu, NM Press poets from
Casa Urraca Press
Editor Zach Hively will be joined by poets published by the press for a special reading and conversation.
Followed by open mic
Event will be recorded - register with link in calendar
Hosted by John Roche & Jules Nyquist

CLASS Grokking the Poem at Home in its Paper Zome, with John Roche registration required
Grokking the Poem at Home in its Paper Zome, with John Roche, Saturday, March 23, 2024 11 am - 3 pm
—A 4-hour workshop with John Roche $45.00
Saturday, March 23, 2024 11 am - 3 pm
in-person at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse

Book Launch Open Hearted Horizon
Book Launch: Open Hearted Horizon poetry anthology at the Albuquerque Museum

Super Crone Book Launch in-person & live stream
Book Launch for Deb Coy’s new book Super Crone
In person 2-4 pm at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse, Placitas, NM
Plus livestream broadcast
Books for sale at special price, book signing, cake and refreshments!
Deb will be reading poems from the book!

Featured poets Mary Oishi & One Albuquerque, One Hundred Poets Anthology plus open mic
Poetry Playhouse feature is former Albuquerque poet laureate Mary Oishi
and selected One Albuquerque, One Hundred Poets Anthology poets
First hour has featured poets
Second hour is open mic
6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern
Event will be recorded
Hosted by John Roche and Jules Nyquist
Mary Oishi
Featured poets reading list for the first hour:
1. Eileen O’Connell
2. Viola Morris
3. Sylvia Ramos Cruz
4. Gabino Noriega
5. Gina Marselle
6. Jesse Ehrenberg
7. Margaret Randall
8. Rich Boucher
9. Kathryn Paul
10. Anushah Jiwani
11. Felicia Caton-Garcia
12. Kristian Macaron
13. Amanda Ranth
14. Kharlos Panterra
15. Bill Nevins
16. Sirena Reyes
17. Scott Wiggerman
18. Sandra Vallie
19. Rebecca Aronson
20. Leslie Fox
21. Juba Clayton
Eileen O’Connell - is a library professional who has been writing poetry for 30 years. She is the author of Visions and Revisions, a book of poetry and essays published in 2017.
Viola Morris began writing poetry in her 80's, while taking classes with Dodici Adzpadu. She was a member of “Voices of the Valley,” which met for many years at North Valley Senior Center, and had poems published in their monthly newsletters. Also, as a member of that group, she read at several Senior Centers. Her work was published in "Encore" Prize Poems, 2018 by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. She is a current member of New Mexico State Poetry Society.
Sylvia Ramos Cruz is inspired to write by art, women’s lives and everyday injustices. Her poems have been published in Artemis Journal 2020, Choice words: Writers on Abortion, Southwest American Literature, and Journal of Latina Critical Feminism, among other places, and read at venues around New Mexico and, most recently, on Rattle: Poets Respond Live on YouTube.
Gabino Noriega is an Albuquerque native, PhD Candidate, Educator, and Artist. He is also a family man focused on connecting his family to the Earth and traditions of our ancestors. He has performed as a musician and poet in various events locally and regionally.
Gina Marselle - resides with her family, her rescue horse and dogs. She’s a teacher, poet and photographer. She has published poems and photographs in local anthologies and her book is, A Fire of Prayer: A Collection of Poetry and Photography.
Jesse Ehrenberg’s poems have been published in multiple local anthologies. His book SURPRISE! won several prizes in the New Mexico Press Women contest, and a Silver Award in the inaugural Margaret Randall Poetry Book Contest.
Margaret Randall is a poet, independent scholar, photographer, translator, and social activist who was born in New York City and grew up in New Mexico. Taking an active part in the Mexican student movement of 1968 and then living in Cuba for eleven years and Sandinista Nicaragua for four, Randall returned to the United States in 1984, only to face deportation when the government declared her writings “against the good order and happiness of the United States.” With the support of many, she won her case in 1989. Randall is the author of more than two hundred books, including Che on My Mind (2014), Time’s Language: Selected Poems 1959-2018, and I Never Left Home: Poet, Feminist, Revolutionary (2020). Her most recent titles include Artists in My Life, Luck, and Home. She has received the Poet of Two Hemispheres award from Poesía en Paralelo Cero, Quito, Ecuador, AWP’s George Garrett Award, Albuquerque’s Creative Bravo Award, and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of New Mexico, among other recognitions.
Rich Boucher - resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Rich's poems have appeared in The Nervous Breakdown, Eighteen Seventy, Menacing Hedge, Drunk Monkeys and Cultural Weekly, among others. Rich serves as Associate Editor for the literary magazine BOMBFIRE. He is the author of All Of This Candy Belongs To Me, a collection of poems published by Jules' Poetry Playhouse Publications. Peep richboucher.bandcamp.com for more. He loves his life with his love Leann and their sweet cat Callie.
Kathryn Paul - is a survivor of many things, including cancer and downsizing. Her poems have appeared in Last Leaves; The Examined Life Journal; Intima: Journal of Narrative Medicine; Rogue Agent; Hospital Drive; The Ekphrastic Review; Lunch Ticket: Stirring; and Pictures of Poets.
Anushah Jiwani - is a poet, community advocate, and a leadership coach. She has won several awards for her writing, including the 2018 Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award sponsored by Poets & Writers. Her poetry was most recently published in Arts & Letters. Much of her writing centers on the duality of her Pakistani–American identity and aims to create a safe space for the immigrant voice.
Felicia Caton-Garcia - lives, writes, gardens, and teaches college in the South Valley. Felecia’s poetry and fiction has been featured in The Indiana Review, Prairie Schooner, Blue Mesa Review, and Plume. Her collection of poetry, Say That, was published by The University of New Mexico Press. Felecia teaches American Studies, Chicanx Studies, Creative Writing, and English at Central New Mexico Community College.
Kristian Macaron - is the author of Storm (2015, Swimming with Elephants Publications) and Recipe for Time Travel in Case We Lose Each Other (2022, Game Over Books) She is an alum of the University of New Mexico (BA, ‘09) and Emerson College (MFA Fiction, ’12). Her work can be seen at Kristianmacaron.com.
Amanda Ranth started writing poetry when she was nine. Her first poems were anti-war poems. Working towards social justice on all fronts: economic, environmental and human rights, is her passion. She self-published at least a dozen zines, and during the time she detoured to her native Idaho, she was featured in galleries and an art museum, and received several residencies, awards, and arts grants. She has taught writing, performance and storytelling across the northwest and was featured at Out Spoken and Queer Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque. In addition to writing and rabble rousing, Amanda is also a seed saver, insect lover and mother of two poems named Saulito and Tomyris.
Kharlos Panterra - has published one chapbook, Autumn Equinox (2000). His work appeared in the Washington Daily News, in Albuquerque’s Two Way Street, and in Fixed And Free (2021). He has performed his poetry in Nuyorican Café, and in coffee shops and larger venues throughout Albuquerque.
Bill Nevins - moved to New Mexico in 1996. A lifelong peace activist, he is a “gold star” parent whose son died in combat as a US army commando in Afghanistan. He is a retired University of New Mexico instructor, a publishing journalist, a songwriter and a poet, with two books: Heartbreak Ridge and AWE, and a 2007 feature film, Committing Poetry in Times of War. His poems appear in many anthologies, including the 2022 Reimagine America anthology. He has performed poetry from New York to the Yucatan, and has hosted several New Mexico poet gatherings. He was a Board Member of New Mexico State Poetry Society, and founded and leads Vozclara Poetry & Song Project. He is an active member of Taos SOMOS, and is the Poetry Editor of Logos: a Journal of Modern Society and Culture online.
Sirena Reyes was born and raised in Albuquerque, and she hopes to have a book about that some day.
Scott Wiggerman - an Albuquerque resident for seven years after moving from Austin, is the author of three books of poetry, Leaf and Beak: Sonnets, Presence, and Vegetables and Other Relationships; and the editor of several volumes, including Wingbeats: Exercises & Practice in Poetry, Bearing the Mask, and 22 Poems and a Prayer for El Paso, winner of a 2020 NM/AZ Book Award. Poems have appeared recently in Rogue Agent, Impossible Archetype, Shot Glass Journal, Literature Today, and numerous haiku journals. In April he will be inducted into the prestigious Texas Institute of Letters for his contributions to writing during his 35 years in Texas. In Albuquerque, he chaired the largest chapter of the New Mexico State Poetry Society, and he co-directs the annual Poets’ Picnic at the Open Space Visitor Center.
Sandra Vallie has work in Adobe Walls, Airplane Reading, Last Leaves, The Más Tequila Review, The Malpais Review, and plumeforwriters.org. Originally from Michigan, she earned a BA in writing at Eastern Michigan University, briefly taught writing at Washtenaw Community College and in the community, and helped coordinate a monthly poetry reading series.
Rebecca Aronson - is the author of Anchor, Ghost Child of the Atalanta Bloom, winner of the 2016 Orison Books poetry prize and winner of the 2019 Margaret Randall Book Award from the Albuquerque Museum Foundation, and Creature, Creature, winner of the Main-Traveled Roads Poetry Prize (2007). She has been a recipient of a Prairie Schooner Strousse Award, the Loft’s Speakeasy Poetry Prize, and a Tennessee Williams Scholarship to Sewanee.
Leslie Fox - has an MFA in Creative Writing from UNM. While working on her degree in Fiction she wrote and read her poetry at RB Winning Coffee and other Open Mics around town. She is published in Earthships: a New Mecca Poetry Collection; Earth’s Daughters; and Red: A Journal of the Arts.
Juba Clayton - is a Griot, a Storyteller in the West African tradition of using Story as a tool for healing, educating, empowering and affirming her Community. Throughout her career, Ms. Clayton has been awarded many honors that reflect her devotion to improving the lives of the communities she serves. As for her poetry, Ms. Clayton says “Sometimes my stories become poetry,” as is the case with her first poem, “Wake Up Dancin.’
Felecia Caton-Garcia
In English now often in “forlorn hope”…and the sense of the whole phrase is of a suicide mission. The phrase more often than not is used in English as if it meant “a faint hope,” and the misuse has colored the meaning of “forlorn.” —Online Etymology Dictionary
I thought it was love, when you put your lips against my ear
and said, count to ten and then I’ll find you. It surprises
no one that I thought this was love (I think everything is love)
or that it wasn’t (it never is). It always makes sense at first
to buy attention with the currency of secrets. So I told you
about the high branches of the pine, the crawl-space
in the bales of hay, the hotel room in the center of town.
So when the governor tells us to shelter in place and you tell
me, sometimes things just end, there’s nowhere to hide.
The bars are all closed. The doors of all my friends
are closed. The lights are shutting off across the city.
One, I say, eyes shut tight. It’s a trick cruel children
sometimes play: hide-and-go-seek they say
to the youngest or the awkward child, you count, they say
to the one who doesn’t. Then they drift away. How long
does that child hide? The longest I ever hid was seven years.
Two. Ready or not, I’m digging tunnels in the floor of my home.
Nothing ever ends. Someone just leaves. But for the child
standing alone in the yard, eyelids pressed together so tightly
it hurts, everyone is still just out of sight, waiting for her.
She doesn’t know she is alone. She doesn’t know there is no one
to find. She doesn’t want to let anyone down. Three, she whispers.
And the light around her begins to fade. The nightbirds rise
and shine. She shivers, arms tight around herself. Four.
Rich Boucher
In Case of Glass, Break the Emergency
Have you ever had a bad dream
come back for one more night like your mind
was a stage it just loved performing on?
If you asked me, I wouldn’t know how to answer
without giving you something to work with later on
and like any decent and true American
I don’t want you to know everything
unless the lawyers tell me I have to talk.
Sometimes Miss Heston, the English teacher
I had in fifth grade comes back to me
in a vision (still wearing that same sainted sweater)
to tell me that I wasn’t a terrible person for staring.
My high school auditorium is no longer
big enough to hold all of the people
who think I’m old, and sometimes
when the news happens at me
I wonder if Lady Justice likes wearing a blindfold
for reasons that have nothing to do with being impartial.
Sometimes I’m not young enough
to handle the things I see; you don’t need to be me
to know exactly what I’m in the middle of meaning.
Nobody who watched the disaster
movie on Netflix died from seeing it,
which I think is an indictment of all of us.
On a night like tonight I want to commit some witchcraft,
sing a song under my breath that might awaken the stones,
awaken something real I need in me.
I didn’t think I’d live long enough
to discover that the Statue of Liberty’s first name
is Karen, but that’s where we are.
Anushah Jiwani
Mother’s Day
We take Nani out for Mother’s Day. Her and Nana’s visas to America
are finally approved, and they stay with us for a few months. Mom lives
with her mom again for the first time in a quarter century. I choose
a restaurant with South Indian food—idli, dosa, pakora.
For those of you who don’t know, think savory, spongy, fried;
white, yellow, brown. We sit after gathering the buffet.
Nani looks at her food, swirling it around her mouth.
Food brings us to place in memory. I am eager to know
our family’s origins. Dad asks about Nani’s brothers.
Her eyes light up and she gets a little taller. Her shoulders and words expand
until she remembers her losses. One brother perhaps in northern India,
a chai-wala[1] at a local train stop. Another dead from cancer, whom she found
after searching for twenty years. She would ask so many men and women
in Jamatkhana[2] if they had heard of men who had lost their family in ’71
during Bangladesh’s War of Independence. Her story joined those of thousands.
One is tall and funny, the other is short and serious, she’d say. Finally,
someone’s aunt’s friend heard of a man in India looking for his sister.
They spoke on the phone before his passing. She was not allowed to enter India
because she was now Pakistani, someone on the wrong side
of the border. Nani’s voice slows now, and I understand why we don’t talk
about where we’re from. How could we feel her pain? In this global age,
there is no losing someone, not in that way. Mom is upset that we’ve upset Nani.
Why did we have to bring this up? Nani sits silently,
shrinking slowly in her chair.
[1] Someone who sells tea
2 Religious center
Kathryn Paul
why not
why not dance aerobically in pink tutus with the archbishop while stars do-wop in the sky as
though some heavenly disco had dropped the velvet rope like teenage boys drop trou and let
the world all in, like a card game where you don’t know whether it’s poker, go fish, or duplicate bridge, but you toss your chips on the green felt anyway, absentmindedly scooping
onion dip with one, hoping aces are high and don’t just mean you’re the old maid again
do people ever say it without irony: why not without inflection, unselfconsciously willing to
try star-fishing right off the pier on a moonlit night like that kid on the movie screen tossing
hope into the sky hook line and it won’t sink us. who could love in this world if there were
only marching and no tap dancing with abandon so let’s all carry pink tutus in our just-in-
cases, along with peanut butter and jelly and champagne for the road that leads us up, unspooling from one single petal into the whole wide field
Kristian Macaron
When I dream of grandma, she is hiding from me
In my grandmother’s house the flowers don’t die
they and the wind chimes have survived her
when I dream of her she has always returned from hiding
from us somewhere far away and when we find her by accident
we ask where have you been but she does not answer
or she says nowhere, jita, and spirals her cold arm
tightly in mine her love immediate like I can’t tell her anything she
doesn’t already know mom says she was probably smoking
[always hiding] somewhere in the desert where it is warmer
in my memory, the house is summer of summer winter of winter
the sound of any pan on her stovetop everything sizzles and
tortillas breakfast tortillas lunch tortillas dinner tortillas
salt water baking powder flour lard
saltwater power flowers baking and her heart
she was alone here for so long and now I am alone here
I knead dough on her kitchen counter while the stove is hot
I make tortillas and I buy plants though I can’t
tend a blossom
I am trying
not to burn them to be warm here knowing
her perfume is still in the wind on the porch
and she is somewhere in the desert in my dreams
and if I can’t find her there maybe what knows are the wind chimes
Scott Wiggerman
The Mystery of Grief
starting with a Dickinson line (#1726)
If all the griefs I am to have would only come today.
Let me play Job with punishment premium today.
Another war, another bomb, another police killing.
I take them on, my mind a crematorium today.
We live beneath a sword dangling by a single thread.
Are drugs the answer, or will you be doused in rum today?
Oh, vinegar and honey, I’ve cried so much, I’ve lost my sight.
I try to speak of halcyon times, but I go dumb today.
Not proud of it, but I got used to living on a cross.
Let me take on your grief—I’m into martyrdom today.
Our sweet Silver disappeared a week ago without a trace.
The world has always been this random. Why so glum today?
Sorry business: what the Tiwi call their mourning period.
Don’t leave me alone, or can’t you stand this tedium today?
Why do you find it so hard to believe in bereavement?
I know grief is good—I wallowed in its medium today.
You’d like to ask God about loss, but that spirit has passed.
Have you prayed to find something lost? I found a crumb today.
Rebecca Aronson
I am always doing this, badly. In every room
I take the pulse the best I can. What is the beat,
the pace, where must I stress and where
should I lean? I stumble
over new names, faces I can’t recall.
What am I supposed to know? The room’s a line
I scan for familiar sounds. I talk out of turn, laugh
too loud or too late or
miss it altogether. I am deaf
with noise, my ears oversaturated, my
brain bumping its own tune
out of synch. I think. No one dances
at these things anymore. I would,
but won’t. I long for cigarettes,
those old smoke screens I used to hide behind
so well. I never could
imbibe enough to get the rhythm
of other conversations. It’s just me,
sober, counting syllables by the snack table,
counting emphases in the workings of some jawer’s talk.
They have a lot to say that leaves me muttering
in counter-point. My heart beat dactyl, dactyl, spondee, full stop. No one
forgets to breathe, but thinking too much

Poetry Playhouse feature: 3: A Taos Press plus open mic on Zoom
3: A Taos Press
with Publisher Andrea Watson and poet Joan Ryan
Reading from Blood Secrets
Plus Leslie Ullman reading from Little Soul and the Selves
Followed by open mic
Free event on Zoom, hosted by Jules’ Poetry Playhouse (your hosts Jules Nyquist & John Roche)
6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern
event will be recorded

Collage poems: playing with poetry & art
Collage poems: playing with poetry & art: Sat Jan 20, 2024, 10 am - 3 pm
What better way to start the new year than creating with poetry and art!
in-person at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse
11 Homestead Lane, Placitas, NM (directions and contact info sent upon registration)
Click on calendar info for registration link and more info.

Winter Solstice Candlelight Poetry Reading
Winter Solstice Celebration
26th Annual Candlelight Poetry Reading
Theme: “The Anthropocene, the Covenant, and the Longest Night”
Selected poets will be reading by candlelight.
Event held in-person at Las Placitas Presbyterian Church, Village of Placitas, 7 Paseo de San Antonio, Placitas, NM A Zoom option will be available for audience attendees.

Memorial reading for Eleanor Stewart
Eleanor Stewart was an accomplished poet and writer and part of the Albuquerque community. She passed away on December 22, 2020. Her wish was to be honored with a book of her unpublished poems. Billy Brown, Megan Baldrige, John Roche and Jules Nyquist are curating this event, with book publishing by Billy Brown, cover design by Denise Weaver Ross. More info soon!
When: December 10, 2023 2 pm
Where: Tortuga Gallery, 901 Edith Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM (Park on Pacific)
Who: YOU! There will be a poetry reading sharing Eleanor’s words, along with poems and memories about Eleanor.
Light refreshments, including Billy’s cookies
Books will be for sale.

Coyote Arts features at Poetry Playhouse Zoom reading plus open mic
Coyote Arts press with publisher Jordan Jones on Zoom
author Eric Paul Shaffer and Lawrence Millman from this Albuquerque press
featured in our online November reading!
Followed by open mic
You will be asked if you want to read when you register. One poem limit, please.
Event will be recorded
6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern
Hosts: John Roche & Jules Nyquist
Jules' Poetry Playhouse