Tubbables book launch with John Roche! A very special Poetry Playhouse Publications event!
Saturday, April 20, 2024 2 to 4 pm in person at Jules’ Poetry Playhouse in beautiful Placitas, New Mexico
Free - author reading and book signing - refreshments - books for sale and pick up your preorders
Hosted by Jules Nyquist
Tubbables - a new poetry book by John Roche
Front cover illustration by Anna Vanessa Latzer
Cover design by Denise Weaver Ross
Double Tubbable
Tubbable, 1920s synonym for washable: tub + able (fabrics)
Whites and darks in the tub tubbable
Suds and spray and toil and bubble
Pound on rock or play washboard trouble
Anna Livia Plurabelle gossips double
Splashes and sprays and tells oh tells does lovely Annabelle
I Stole an Eclipse
I stole an eclipse today
Rode a snapping turtle
all the way to San Luis Obispo
Climbed an agave stalk taller than an oak
higher than the campanile
Held up the sun with my BB gun
Put it in my back pocket
Ate a tangerine
Kicked a soccer ball to the moon
Listened to the Music of the Spheres
Watched as it ricocheted through the galaxy
Rode vampire fish sailing celestial seas
Hummed L’Éclair de Lune
and composed a sonnet
An original tour de force combining astute humor and a bit of badinage which does not betray a deeper level of meaning. The whimsical cover prepares you for quite the laundry list of our 21st century that will be hung up in the poems enclosed. All three sections combine John Roche's sensitive eye, with love of language play to provide the reader with refreshing clin d'oeils, whether it be his Irish ancestors, his knowledge of poets and the art and craft they practice, or a welcome commentary, on our contemporary times. A must read, that will lift your spirits.
-- Kitty Jospé, author of Whispers of Perhaps
John Roche